selected talks
Omics data in population cohorts: what can we do and what needs to be considered? Conference: Towards Comprehensive Population Studies II, December 2023, Bialystok, Poland
Workshop: Genetic analysis in population studies, December 2023, Medical University Bialystok, Poland
Workshop: Introduction to Genome-Wide Association Studies, 68. GMDS-Jahrestagung, September 2023, Heilbronn, Germany
Epigenome-wide association study reveals CpG sites associated with thyroid function and regulatory effects on KLF9, 14th International Congress of Human Genetics, February 2023, Cape Town, South Africa
Invited talk: Genome-wide analyses identify SLC17A4 as a thyroid hormone transporter, Transporttage 2021, September 2021, Greifswald, Germany
Multiple lectures at the Summer School 2021: Genetic Epidemiology of Kidney Function and Chronic Kidney Disease, July 2021, EURAC Bolzano, Italy
Introduction to Mendelian Randomization, Guest lecture for course MSc Epidemiology: Specialization Genetic Epidemiology, March 2021, LMU Munich, Germany
Modern approach to epidemiology: Using genome-wide association studies for unraveling disease susceptibility loci applied on an ECG phenotype, Invited lecture, November 2019, Medical University Bialystok, Poland
Trans-ethnic genome-wide association meta-analyses and fine-mapping elucidate novel pathways influencing albuminuria, Ninth Workshop of Genetic Epidemiology (Medical University Innsbruck), April 2019, Grainau, Germany
Large-scale genomic studies: what they have taught us, 55th ERA-EDTA congress, May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
Beyond genetics: using GWAS results for advanced analyses. Conference: Towards Comprehensive Population Studies – Bialystok PLUS, April 2018, Bialystok, Poland
Mendelian randomization: vitamin D and kidney function, Berlin Epidemiological Methods Colloquium (BEMC), October 2017, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Method for a semi-automated low level quality control of a large number of Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips, Seventh Workshop of Genetic Epidemiology (Hannover Medical School / University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein): Shaping Big Data in Precision Medicine and Epidemiology, April 2017, Grainau, Germany
Using Mendelian randomization to assess causality between vitamin D levels and kidney function, Seventh Workshop of Genetic Epidemiology (Hannover Medical School / University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein): Shaping Big Data in Precision Medicine and Epidemiology, April 2017, Grainau, Germany
Introduction to Imaging Genetics: Imputation & Meta-analysis, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
Genetic Epidemiology in the SHIP Study – an Overview and Technical Challenges, May 2016, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands
On the Tip of Omics, Grainau, Germany: A genome-wide meta-analysis of hyper- and hypothyroidism and thyroid function, Sixth Workshop of Genetic Epidemiology (HelmholtzZentrum münchen): On the Tip of Omics, April 2016, Grainau, Germany
Genome-wide association studies identify RAB38 and HS6ST1 associated with albuminuria in diabetes, Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), October 2015, Baltimore, USA
Methods for meta-analyzing gene expression probes of different array systems on the example of lipid traits, Fourth Workshop of Genetic Epidemiology: Omics – a magic wor(l)d, May 2014, HelmholtzZentrum münchen / Innsbruck Medical University
Novel Loci of Kidney Function: the CKDGen Consortium, CHARGE investigator meeting, January 2014, Los Angeles, USA
Moderation of the Transcriptomic Discussion Panel, Allergy School on the Place of Omics in the Diagnostic Lab – Update on A&CI Laboratory Methods, Oktober 2013, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
A GWAS meta-analysis of circulating levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3, Dritter Workshop zur Genetischen Epidemiologie: Genetic Variants, Omics, and Individualized Prevention, April 2013, HelmholtzZentrum münchen
A GWAS of structural thyroid parameters (size and goiter), 8. Frühjahrsakademie der Gesellschaft für Genetik: Genetic epidemiology, status quo – where to go, April 2010, HelmholtzZentrum münchen
Genome-wide Association studies using the SHIP cohort, International Workshop: Genome-wide Association Studies, November 2008, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald
A genome-wide association study to detect susceptibility loci for aggressive periodontitis using pooled DNA samples, International Conference: Target identification and target validation in tumour research, Juni 2008, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald